Jewish Law Association Studies VIII
Jewish Law Association Studies VIII
The Jerusalem 1994 Conference Volume
Edited by E.A. Goldman
1. Jacob Bazak, The Legal Status of the Fetus in Jewish Halacha and in Israeli Law
2. Miriam Ben Zeev, Did the Jews Enjoy a Priviledged Position in the Roman World?
3. Michael J. Broyde, Assisting in a Violation of Noachide Law
4. Seymour J. Cohen, The United States Constitution and the Jewish Community:The Recalcitrant Husband and the Chained Woman (Agunah)
5. Shear-Yashuv Cohen, The Halachic and Legal Aspects of Enforcement of Divorce in Israel (An Abstract)
6. Michael Corinaldi, Continuing Apostasy According to Halacha and the Law of Return
7. Peter J. Haas, The Emergence of Rabbinic Legal Rhetoric: The Sheelot Utheshuvot Genre
8. Moshe Ish-Horowicz, Righteousness (Tsedek) and its Significance in Judaism
9. Eberhard Klingenberg, Justinian's Novellae Concerning the Jews
10. Stephen M. Passamaneck, Halacha, Law Enforcement and the Modern World
11. Nahum Rakover, The One vs. the Many in Life and Death Situations
12. Joseph Rivlin, The Power of a Promissory Note is Greater then the Force of Legislation
13 Meir Seidler, Isaac Breuer's Concept of Law
14 Daniel Sinclair, Patients Self-Determination and Advance Directives
15 Hannah G. Sprecher, Diabolus Ex-Machina: An Unusual Case of Yuhasin
16 David A. Thomas, Instructive Comparisons Between Jewish and Anglo-American Land Law
17 Peter S. Zaas, What Comes Out of a Person Is What Makes a Person impure: Jesus as Sadducee
ISBN 0-7885-0155-0, Pp. viii + 226, 1996.